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How To Reduce The Risk Of Problems In Your Rose Garden

Roses can grow in most situations and once established can cope with many levels of gardening skills. The below can mean the difference between a rose that is growing, to a rose that is a magnificent specimen in your garden.
  • Buy good quality plants: choose varieties that have good disease resistance and are suitable for your area.

  • Never leave rubbish lying around: always clean up and burn cuttings and fallen diseased leaves.
  • Prepare the ground thoroughly: roses growing in poorly prepared soil will be susceptible to disease and problems. Also be as natural as possible and avoid chemicals whenever you can, this will allow any good organisms to stay present in the soil and reduce the risk of poisoning your roses.
  • Avoid overcrowding: do not position plants closer together than what is recommended. Overcrowding your plants can cause many issue such as dry roots, nutrient deficiencies and decreased access to sunlight. This will also increase the risk of disease such as mildew.
  • Feed the plants properly: providing roses with the correct amount of food, gives them the nutrients necessary to fight off diseases and and pests.  However, over feeding can lead to as many problems as under feeding.  Click here for more information.
  • Water: roses that receive sufficient water will produce stronger, healthier growth with better quality blooms. Click here for information on watering roses.

  • Avoid overliming: excess amounts of lime in the soil will cause chlorosis – leaf yellowing due to iron and manganese deficiencies.
  • Plant roses in the correct positions in the proper way: this reduces the risk of problems caused by drought, water logging, wind rock, frost damage, light deficiency and more.
  • Inspect plants regularly: this will allow you to catch issues before they become a problem, allowing for early intervention.
  • Preventitive spraying: the easiest way to avoid pests and disease is to spray regularly before the first signs occur.