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Treloar's Heath Rating

Healthy roses are easy care roses!

Healthy roses are a delight to have in your garden. Not only do they perform better, but they are also much easier to care for. Roses with a high health rating continue to shine without the need for regular spraying. To add the best performing roses to your garden, select those with a high Treloar’s Health Rating.

The Assessment

The heath rating is the result of a thorough assessment made by our experts on our farm in Portland, Victoria. The assessment was undertaken at the end of February 2021 after a humid and wet summer. This time period of assessment is when fungal diseases are more prevalent. The main diseases of concern during assessment was black spot and powdery mildew. The assessment does not indicate flower quality or fragrance.

The Ratings

Variety was completely free of disease.

Variety showed very minor signs of disease.

Variety showed signs of disease, growth unaffected.

Variety showed signficant signs of disease and was mostly defoliated from black spot.

Variety completely completely defoliated from disease, growth inhibited.

The disease resistance rating is to be used as a guide only. Disease resistance of a rose may vary depending on climate, growing conditions and care received.