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(Korgund) - A tough and hardy dual-purpose bright red rose of good form. The overall hardiness is mo..
(Korberonem) - Part of the new Parfuma collection by Kordes. As its name suggests the fragrance..
(Kortemma - syn. Island Fire) - No variety of ground cover rose has better substance of colour than ..
(Korgretaum) - Named for Make-A-Wish Australia who bring amazing people together to grant inspiratio..
(Korplunblo) - This is an amazing addition to the Rigo Roses® Collection by Kordes' Roses which are ..
(Korapfhecki) - An abundance of flowers in an apricot orange with yellow centre cover a healthy comp..
(KORberuhig) - A rose of exceptional quality as a climber. It vigorous, healthy, and easy to grow. L..
(Korklemol) - This award winning climber will warm your garden with its beautiful semi-double blooms..
(Korsehendie) - This rose is extremely tough and disease resistant with an almost evergreen habit. ..
(Koranderer) - The large, fragrant, golden yellow blooms are produced freely on a healthy plant. The..
(Korsilan - syn. Palmergarten Frankfurt) - Masses of semi-double, rose pink blooms are produced cont..
(Korplasina) - The name has been well chosen as the colour is a vanilla champagne, with the outer ba..