Eco Oil 500ml Concentrate

Order Soon Eco Oil 500ml Concentrate
Eco-oil concentrate is a registered organic miticide and insecticide. It controls a range of problem insects including scale, aphids, two-spotted mite, whitefly, mealybugs and citrus leafminer. Safe for use on veggies, as well as ornamentals, with no withholding period. Spray and eat on the same day! Also safe for beneficial insects like bees, ladybeetles and earthworms.
  • 100% plant oils – contains no petroleum derivatives like the other oil sprays
  • Kills a broad range of common pest insects but remains safe for beneficial insects like bees, ladybirds and lacewings
  • HIPPO Enhanced to attract beneficial insects into your garden
  • Effective at low rates
  • Reduced risk of foliage burn
  • Perfect for organic pest control in the veggie patch
  • No withholding period
  • Registered Organic (Australian Organic)
  • Made in Australia using locally grown plant oils
  • GM Free
  • Can be used as a wetting agent with other sprays.

Use as directed on bottle.

  • Product Code: PECOOIL
  • Availability: Order Soon
  • $21.95


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